RGB Matrix Update

Hello all, I have some unfortunate news. With all the new higher tariffs, it isn’t economical anymore for me to produce new RGB LED matrix modules. The LEDs come from a manufacturer in China, and those are the most expensive part of the modules. The BOM and PCB files are all available on my GitHub… Continue reading RGB Matrix Update

BATCH 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Google Form Survey Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0EgcnQRUXo-8FyM_AA5a_vgzu0DcTvQCayXSs8hTl-GJskw/viewform?usp=sf_link Here is a Google Form survey to help me gauge the interest in a second batch of my RGB LED Matrix modules. Email address to be notified if this batch ends up being ordered. I will not send you any spam or sell your data. If we don’t get enough… Continue reading BATCH 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Categorized as Framework

RGB LED Matrix Production Update #4

Hello everyone, here is production update four! I have placed the PCB manufacture and assembly orders. JLCPCB estimates that the assembly process will finish later this week. I will hopefully receive the PCBs in the next couple of weeks.

Categorized as Framework

RGB LED Matrix Production Update #2

Hi all, this is a short update. But, I want to be transparent on the production process. I am still waiting on the LEDs to arrive at JLCPCB’s warehouse. Once they receive the LEDs I’ll purchase the PCBs and pay for PCB assembly.

Categorized as Framework

Framework 16 Laptop RGB LED matrix

I have a lot more respect for people who layout PCBs as their job. It's hard work.

For the past 5 months, I have been working on a RGB LED matrix input module for the Framework 16 laptop. The Framework 16 laptop is a modular repairable laptop that you can check out here: https://frame.work/. This laptop has the innovative feature where you can change out your keyboard. You can also add or… Continue reading Framework 16 Laptop RGB LED matrix

MHP30 Hotplate Hacking

Two MHP30 hotplates setup in the Opentron OT-2 for a demo for the National Renewable Energy Lab.

I am currently working on a project for work in the lab that requires interesting functionality. The material scientists that I am working with need to heat multiple solutions for automated mixing. This new project will be an add-on to the Opentrons OT-2 pipette robot that I have used previously. The OT-2 robot is a… Continue reading MHP30 Hotplate Hacking