Google Form Survey Link: Here is a Google Form survey to help me gauge the interest in a second batch of my RGB LED Matrix modules. Email address to be notified if this batch ends up being ordered. I will not send you any spam or sell your data. If we don’t get enough… Continue reading BATCH 2: Electric Boogaloo?
Category: Framework
RGB LED Matrix Production Update #4
Hello everyone, here is production update four! I have placed the PCB manufacture and assembly orders. JLCPCB estimates that the assembly process will finish later this week. I will hopefully receive the PCBs in the next couple of weeks.
RGB LED Matrix Production Update #3
Good news everyone! JLCPCB has received all the RGB LEDs for the first batch of modules. 14409 LEDs to make 50 modules. I am currently studying for final exams as I get ready to graduate college! After this week I will place the JLCPCB PCB manufacture and assembly orders. I will keep making these updates… Continue reading RGB LED Matrix Production Update #3
RGB LED Matrix Production Update #2
Hi all, this is a short update. But, I want to be transparent on the production process. I am still waiting on the LEDs to arrive at JLCPCB’s warehouse. Once they receive the LEDs I’ll purchase the PCBs and pay for PCB assembly.
RGB LED Matrix Production Update #1
Thank you everyone for the amazing show of support! Here is the first update on the production of the modules. I have purchased enough components for this first batch to make 50 individual, modules. I am currently waiting for LEDs to become available on JLCPCB’s Part Manager. Once JLCPCB has the LEDs in stock then… Continue reading RGB LED Matrix Production Update #1
Framework 16 Laptop RGB LED matrix
For the past 5 months, I have been working on a RGB LED matrix input module for the Framework 16 laptop. The Framework 16 laptop is a modular repairable laptop that you can check out here: This laptop has the innovative feature where you can change out your keyboard. You can also add or… Continue reading Framework 16 Laptop RGB LED matrix